Measure Y and the General Plan Update
Part of San Mateo's General Plan for thirty years, Measure Y provides planning stability and baseline development standards with which new building height and density proposals can be compared. Measure Y ensures that special exceptions or changes are not made to development standards while the General Plan Update (GPU) is underway.
The passage of Measure Y will help ensure that the GPU process provides an opportunity to debate and reach consensus on the most controversial development issues affecting the entire community. An ongoing concern is that the city has allowed paid organizers and activists from other cities undue influence on the eventual outcome.
San Mateo residents have participated in the general plan revision process in good faith. Engaging in the conversation believing it would be the inclusive and fair exchange of ideas between San Mateans about the future of San Mateo.
The City however, demonstrating a strong disregard for the views of San Mateo residents and hoping to defeat Measure Y, permitted paid lobbyists, out-of-town activists, residents of other cities and special interest groups to participate on equal footing with San Mateo residents. Using the GPU as a campaign tool to unfairly influence the planning process stacked the deck against Measure Y.
Fortunately Measure Y prevailed, ensuring San Mateans will have a seat at the planning table. As the General Plan Update process starts up again, the City has an opportunity to level the playing field and put San Mateo residents in the forefront of the process. If they do, and the process is fair, we just might get a General Plan we can all agree on.
Make sure your voice is heard. Help shape San Mateo's future.
Participate in the General Plan Update at Strive San Mateo - General Plan 2040.