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Apartment Building


 "Affordable housing is critically important. 

That's a key reason I'm voting for Measure Y. 

Join me!"


Former Mayor Claire Mack

Click here for official text and ballot arguments for Measures Y and opposition Measure R.

What is Measure Y?

Height, density & affordable housing development standards.  Will expire unless renewed on Nov. 3rd.

who supports Measure Y?

Your friends & neighbors who support balanced growth, affordable housing & responsive government.

who opposes 

measure Y?

Large property owners, real estate developers & big money interests with disproportionate influence at City Hall. 

Join us today!

San Mateo is a wonderful city.  Its charming neighborhoods, vibrant downtown and diverse population create an unmistakable sense of place.  But we believe San Mateo can grow to be even better.  For 30 years we've believed that balanced growth is a smarter path to more affordable housing and a better life for all -- without compromising the qualities that make San Mateo special.


Measure Y

& the General Plan

Measure Y doesn't interfere with the General Plan, but the developer's competing Measure R does.  And the City Council is helping them do it...


Measure Y

& Affordable Housing

Measure Y's inclusionary housing requirements doubled the number of affordable units built in San Mateo in the last 30 years...


Balanced Growth is Smarter Growth

Measure Y building heights of 55-75 feet (5-7 stories) allows significant, but balanced growth...


Measure Y 


Gallery of Bay Area development that fits within Measure Y standards...

Latest News... 

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