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"I'm amazed that special interests are spending over $1M to defeat Measure Y.  That is a big signal to let voters know something is wrong."

 - Former Mayor Claire Mack

The Campaign Against Us

Over the last few months, you have heard a great deal of misinformation and outright lies about the campaign for Measure Y, designed to create confusion and divisiveness.  The opposition has desperately worked to end the renewal of Measure P protections over the last two years - to no avail.  Now that we are on the November ballot and in the home stretch, they are worried.  Who are they?  Real estate interests, led by the Bohannon Organization, a major property owner and development company, and HLC, a housing lobby organization funded by Chan/Zuckerberg.  They have already poured close to $1,500,000 into their campaign to wrest control of San Mateo's future away from the residents.  See the green box below to check their campaign disclosure forms.   


DISINFORMATION - What can they do but muddy the waters in hopes of diverting votes by dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into a "kill" campaign?  Get ready to hear them say that we will put single family homes at risk, we've caused the housing crisis, we're stifling the General Plan, we're 'racists' and any additional mudslinging that money can buy.  

None of this is true. 

WHO ARE THEY? - The opposition development interests will try to convince you that the only way to produce affordable housing is to negate 30 years of responsible planning policy. They will try to get you to believe that eliminating height limits, zoning protections, environmental safeguards and required public benefits will make housing affordable. They will tell you that giving private developers countless zoning concessions and incentives is necessary.  None of this is true.  The voice of the people will be sacrificed for private profit and corporate greed.  And, they will have the money to overwhelm you with mailers and signage touting their message. 

LOOK-ALIKE MEASURE - Don't be fooled by their manipulative campaign rhetoric or their 'look-alike' Measure R designed to confuse and deceive.  San Mateans for Responsive Government's Measure Y is the only authentic citizen's measure on the ballot.  It was and is a grassroots effort by your friends & neighbors who played by the rules, and collected over 7,000 signatures which were certified by the City and County.  The real estate/developer opposition measure, disguised as a citizen measure and using paid signature gatherers, failed on all these counts.   


MONEY TALKSEven though the opposition failed to get their required petition signatures, the City Council decided to put their competing Measure R on the ballot for them.  It was not fair, it was wrong, yet it is the perfect example of why Measure Y exists in the first place.  Despite the opposition touting that times have changed since the original Measures H and P  were overwhelmingly adopted by voters, what hasn't  changed is how loud money talks.   Our City Council does not seem able to just say NO to special interests.

Instructions for checking Campaign Disclosure Forms


Click here to be redirected to the campaign software the the City of San Mateo uses to display required campaign forms. 


  • At the left on the first page, choose ballot item.

  • In the ballot item drop down box, choose "Measure R."

  • Click the Search button

You will find 1 committee listed - " Yes on R / No on Y." It is sponsored by the Bohannon Organization. ​

  • Click on the icon in the far right column for the latest Forms 460 and 497 to see their campaign finance statements. 

  • Return to the Ballot Item drop down box and choose "Measure Y." 

  • Click the Search button.

  • The first entry says "No on Y, sponsored by the Housing Leadership Council."  Click the icon in the right hand column to view campaign finance statements Forms 460 and 497.

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